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Giannet Consulting Services, Inc.  respects your privacy and recognizes your right to protection of all personal information you share with us, including your name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, and any other personally identifiable information.

You are welcome to visit our website anonymously.  We do not collect your personal information.

Your Internet address (IP address: the address of your computer) is logged to help us learn which parts of the web site you visit, and how long you spend on the individual pages.  We do not link your IP address to any personally identifiable information. 

Giannet Consulting Services, Inc.  may collect personal information voluntarily supplied by you when you retain services, order products, complete surveys, guest or contact forms.  We will always inform you, in advance, how this personal information is to be used.  You have a right not to provide this information.  If you choose not to provide such information, you are still welcome to visit our website and retain our services. 

If you supply Giannet Consulting Services, Inc. with your postal address, e-mail, or fax number,  you may receive periodic correspondence to inform you of new products, services, events, etc.  If you prefer not to receive such information, please let us know by contacting us.  

Giannet Consulting Services, Inc.  takes all appropriate and reasonable steps to protect all information you share with us from unauthorized access or disclosure.  All contact and client information remains strictly confidential.  We do not disclose, trade, sell, distribute, or rent our contact or client information.  

We do not disclose the names of clients and the services we provided to them to any party; nor do we invoke our previous or current clients' names for advertising or referral purposes. Our consulting relationship is strictly confidential.

This website may contain links to other sites.  Please be aware that Giannet Consulting Services, Inc.  is not responsible  for  the privacy practices of other sites.  We encourage you to be aware when you  leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every website that collects   personally identifiable information.  This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by this site.

Giannet Consulting Services, Inc.  is strongly committed to the principle of individual privacy and client confidentiality, and is actively involved in and supports industry initiatives to preserve individual privacy rights on the Internet.

Please contact us with any questions or comments regarding our privacy policy.


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